Soul Wholeness (Audiobook)

Soul Wholeness (Audiobook)

Hosted by: Written + read by Andrew Edwin Jenkins

We’re each comprised of a body, a soul, and a spirit, but the soul and the spirit are two different entities. We intuitively understand that in order to be healthy we must take care of our bodies. That’s a given....

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Chapter 21. Intrinsic Identity

A lot of hustle is a desperate chase for self-worth. If I don’t resolve who I am- and that I’m worthy, I’ll chase that value in external things.
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Chapter 22. (Stay) Humble, Hustle (Hard)

Any work can be sacred; any hustle can be holy. What’s that mean? Quite simply, it’s reserved for something special.
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Chapter 23. Toil is Evil / Work is Divine

Hustle can easily become toil. The opposite of work isn’t laziness. The opposite of work is toil. Hustle, but hustle in a healthy way.
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Chapter 24. Good Gone Bad

Sometimes you’ve got to let go of who you were in order to become who you’re designed to be. It’s tough, but that’s the way it is. Sometimes, it’s negative things you’ve got to let go of. Other times, it’s— grasp...
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Chapter 25. Inner Redemption

Jesus’ work on the Cross is so thorough that He redeemed seven distinct areas for us, two of which deal directly with soul wholeness.
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Chapter 26. All Things New

The Gospel isn’t about becoming better or even just being made into something different. Grace transforms us into something exponentially superior.
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Closing Credits

Closing credits, etc.
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