Soul Wholeness (Audiobook)

Soul Wholeness (Audiobook)

Hosted by: Written + read by Andrew Edwin Jenkins

We’re each comprised of a body, a soul, and a spirit, but the soul and the spirit are two different entities. We intuitively understand that in order to be healthy we must take care of our bodies. That’s a given....

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Chapter 9. The Goal = Health

A lot of people think PTSD is rare. Turns out, it’s actually quite common. What’s uncommon is the formal diagnosis.Our goal isn’t to receive a diagnosis— nor to avoid one. Our goal is to walk in health, taking the...
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Chapter 10. The Belief-Expectation Flywheel

We’re designed to grow by exploring the world around us. But, we bump into painful experiences as we do. So, we create (often unconscious) rules to protect ourselves from future pain. Some of the rules are functional...
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Chapter 11. Rewrite Your Script

We have have the ability to stand “outside ourselves” and assess what’s happening in real time. If we don’t like the story we’re living, we can learn from the past. Rather than living from “rules” which haven’t served...
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Chapter 12. To Change the Fruit, Change the Root

Addiction happens when we attach our hearts, for any reason, to the wrong place. When we do , bad fruit always emerges. When we connect our hearts in the right way, beauty emerges.
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Chapter 13. Press Pause

In the same way we pause when we encounter physical pain, we should also stop when we experience emotional pain. This requires us to recognize that some wounds and scars aren’t visible— they’re invisible. Even though...
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Chapter 14. Five Signs You’re Out of Rhythm

Rather than minimizing our hurts and pushing forward, we acknowledge them. We slow down. We rest, we recharge. We may find we’re still wounded, but at that point we’re able to move forward with better perspective as...
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Chapter 15. More Powerful Than PTSD

We’re born with a moral compass— an internal rudder of right and wrong. When we violate our personal conscience, soul wounds occur. Moral Injury results, a soul wound akin to PTSD. Rather than eliciting a fight or...
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Chapter 16. The Uncommon Cure

The all-too-uncommon cure for guilt & shame is receiving forgiveness from someone the wounded person believes has the moral authority to grant that forgiveness. True love it expels fear with great intensity,...
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Chapter 17. Therapeuo for Emotional Health = More Freedom Tools

Sometimes healing happens instantly. Other times, it comes as we choose to live well, with intention, over time. This is true in the realm of physical health, as well as mental and emotional health.
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Chapter 18. Gold in the Broken Places

Restoration isn’t always a return to how things were. Many times it’s a move forward to how things should be. That often means “different” and “better” than you originally experienced.
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Chapter 19. Creation’s Rhythm

In music, the rests are as important as the notes you play. Life is the same way. There’s a definite beat to creation that works well for us when we embrace it.
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Chapter 20. Not Just What You Do, But How You Do It

It’s not just the things we seek— or hustle for— that matter. Rather, the way in which we hustle is important, too. That is, it’s not just what we do but how we do it.
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